Our operations began in 1985, and we have since continuously expanded both in business and in size. The company’s success would not have been possible without our commitment to Quality, Safety and Environment, Garde holds certification for all three major ISO Management Standards:
ISO – 9001 for Quality
ISO – 45001 for Safety
ISO – 14001 for Environment

ISO 9001
Quality Focus
We have created a strong quality-focused culture, based on the Continual Improvement Paradigm. The core values of Garde’s quality culture are to continually increase client satisfaction, respect the worksite, maintain the company’s corporate image, and to ensure our workers have the highest level of training. We have stringent quality assurance procedures in place, and a comprehensive system of internal audits, as well as a comprehensive set of engineering tools, processes, and guidelines outlined to ensure that our services comply with all requirements. Garde acquired our certification in 1996 for ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard, and we have since retained and complied with all its requirements.
ISO 45001
Safety Awareness
Our people are our greatest asset their safety is one of our biggest responsibilities. Our strong commitment towards safety is evident from the fact that Garde acquired our certification for ISO 45001.
We run extensive training programs, awareness sessions and risk workshops regularly, ensuring that safety awareness is embedded into our everyday operations.
ISO 14001
Environmental Commitment
Garde is very aware of the importance of environmental sustainability in today’s world, and in an effort to help protect the environment, we have management systems in place to comply with the requirements of ISO 14001. As part of the system’s requirements, our operations are regularly monitored to identify any possible impacts or effects on the environment. A significant amount of Garde’s budget is also reserved for the procurement of all required tools and equipment to ensure that the environment surrounding our job sites remain safe and secure.